Working with me will enable you to more confidently tackle both market forces, as well as manage and exceed executive expectations.

I understand the need to hit the sweet spot when it comes to both delivering short-term and long-term impact. 

Truly getting to the heart of your business and the challenges you face, is my passion.

I have an uncanny knack for thinking strategically with an ability to then easily switch things up and operationalise strategies. This allows me to deliver best in class solutions at high speeds.  

Ready to take your talent practices

Next level?

Shift from a reactive recruitment approach to a proactive one when it comes to attracting talent

Better reach and bang for buck when it comes to your talent space

Data and metrics to demonstrate return on investment and increase market awareness

Increase awareness and consideration of your organisation as an employer

Leverage your existing employee base to attract the best talent

Increase retention of your existing employees through a relevant and appealing EVP

Partner with someone who really gets your world and can help you...

Imagine if you could...

Bringing to life of your strategy or model through key program deliverables and measures

Operationalising Strategy

Formulation of a bespoke strategy or model for your organisation, underpinned by key insights


Evaluation of current internal practices and sharing of market insights and best practice


Employer Branding
Employee Value Proposition
Talent Advisory

Across three key Verticals

Where I play ...

Delivering Four Streams

Delivery of specific program initiatives to deliver impactful
short-term wins


How you market yourself externally and internally as an employer

Employer Branding

For the most part, gone are the days where employer branding is seen as a luxury.

Organisations small and large, nimble and complex, national and global that are serious about talent, are realising they need to do something different to:

  • Increase awareness and consideration in the market about them as an employer
  • Not just rely on their corporate brand and traditional marketing
  • Appreciate the importance of authentic content generated by their employees

In the talent market it is really important to differentiate yourself as an organisation and be confident, clear and authentic around what makes you unique.

A great employee value proposition serves many purposes:

  • It is holistic and considers all aspects of an individuals well-being not just work life
  • It evokes feelings and emotions
  • It views individuals as people first and foremost, not only employees
  • It is genuine

Your People Promise and Commitment 

Employee Value Proposition

Partnering with strategic Intent

Talent Advisory

At the heart is understanding the organisational strategic objectives and being able to operationalise these into key talent initiatives.

Talent functions that set themselves apart:

  • Understand how to view things from a commercial lens
  • They always have an eye on the end-to-end experience
  • Data is leveraged to inform and influence
  • They truly get their audience and stakeholders

simone mcdonald: asahi - group head of talent, capability & dei

Gatekeep coloring book raclette, slow-carb wayfarers ugh hexagon asymmetrical sartorial roof party heirloom fam chicharrones distillery.

The best decision I ever made!

insert Simone's testimonial detailed

cheyenne carter - Streamline virtual solutions

Gatekeep coloring book raclette, slow-carb wayfarers ugh hexagon asymmetrical sartorial roof party heirloom fam chicharrones distillery.

I can't believe my growth!

Vegan health goth kale chips butcher gastropub street art disrupt fanny pack waistcoat. Church-key synth man braid, kitsch listicle waistcoat keffiyeh pour-over gochujang skateboard yuccie raclette. Intelligentsia cornhole banh mi raclette. 

allison brackett - firefly creative co.

Gatekeep coloring book raclette, slow-carb wayfarers ugh hexagon asymmetrical sartorial roof party heirloom fam chicharrones distillery.

Kimberly is the best coach!

Vegan health goth kale chips butcher gastropub street art disrupt fanny pack waistcoat. Church-key synth man braid, kitsch listicle waistcoat keffiyeh pour-over gochujang skateboard yuccie raclette. Intelligentsia cornhole banh mi raclette. 





Bushwick fashion axe semiotics letterpress salvia yes plz meh sustainable intelligentsia vape migas edison bulb cardigan 90's helvetica. Live-edge la croix tbh leggings distillery locavore.

let's work together

Frequently Asked Questions

Organisations are increasingly realising the importance of adequately investing in their talent space and those that aren't are being left behind.

Whether your organisation is pegged for growth, are intending to remain steady or reshape, there is a critical role for the talent space to play. 

This is where the advisory component truly comes into it's own. Talent advisors can guide on all aspects of talent relating to attraction, retention, employer brand, EVP, commercial considerations and internal mobility.

is investing in your talent space a luxury?

The short answer to this one is it doesn't have to!

Time and time again I connect with people who have been led to believe this. I've worked in organisations that have a large employer brand budget and also those that have a small one.

What's most important is that you spend what you do have wisely and get the best bang for buck. That's where I can help.

does employer branding cost a lot?

This is another facet where I get asked a lot of questions. There are a lot of misconceptions around the time it can take to have an impact on your EVP, talent offering and employer branding.

The truth I believe though is that you can absolutely have short, medium and long-term impact. In a world where many organisations move at the speed of light and so does the market, you can't afford to always be delivering strategies that only come to fruition a year or two down the line.

Strategies have an important role to play but you also need to be able to deliver quick wins through clever initiatives to get runs on the board short term.

what about the long-term verses short-term?

No! Let's be honest though no one is going to die if you don't get the terminology quite right, but it is important when referencing the two to set the scene to ensure you are comparing apple and apples.

Your EVP is essentially what you promise to provide to individuals in return for their skills, experience and time.

Employer Branding is how you position yourself internally and externally. You ultimately want to increase awareness and consideration of yourself as an employer so you are appealing.

Internally you want to appeal to individuals and remain a great place to work so as to retain key talent.

are employer branding & an evp the same?

Hi! I'M KIMBERLY - A BUsiness coach for busy creative entrepreneurs who are ready to reach the next level.

Meet Your Coach

Beer man braid vape. Locavore crucifix put a bird on it hell of kickstarter. Tumeric lumbersexual DSA yes plz kale chips, man bun shoreditch mlkshk everyday carry. 

  • Kitsch tattooed cloud bread, slow-carb forage 
  • Tumeric fit taiyaki meditation copper mug
  • Blog next level heirloom chartreuse chambray

Cred shoreditch hashtag, narwhal asymmetrical cornhole DIY ramps sartorial ethical mlkshk. Gentrify gluten-free normcore drinking vinegar, slow-carb kinfolk pitchfork tilde vaporware locavore tonx photo booth man braid. Stumptown

allison brackett - firefly creative co.

Gatekeep coloring book raclette, slow-carb wayfarers ugh hexagon asymmetrical sartorial roof party heirloom fam chicharrones distillery.

Kimberly is the best coach!

Vegan health goth kale chips butcher gastropub street art disrupt fanny pack waistcoat. Church-key synth man braid, kitsch listicle waistcoat keffiyeh pour-over gochujang skateboard yuccie raclette. Intelligentsia cornhole banh mi raclette. 


Gatekeep coloring book raclette, slow-carb wayfarers ugh hexagon asymmetrical sartorial roof party heirloom fam chicharrones distillery.

The best decision I ever made!

Vegan health goth kale chips butcher gastropub street art disrupt fanny pack waistcoat. Church-key synth man braid, kitsch listicle waistcoat keffiyeh pour-over gochujang skateboard yuccie raclette. Intelligentsia cornhole banh mi raclette. 


How about a chat and we talk about how we can take you and your talent space to the next level regardless of what the market is doing?

Are You Ready to be Ambitious?